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Réveil Communiste

le PGE a peur des peuples...

9 Mars 2009 , Rédigé par Réveil Communiste Publié dans #Qu'est-ce que la "gauche"

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Terrible ambiguité de la langue anglaise! c'est comme la résolution 242 de l'ONU dont la version anglaise demande l'évacuation par Israël de "occupied territories" sans préciser lesquels.
Pour plus de précision dans l'argumentation, voici le document dont sont issues ces citations : http://www.european-left.org/fileadmin/downloads/pdf/Political_Theses_final_version_04.12.07.pdfPremière citation :"The French and Dutch “No” to the Constitutional Treaty has had its impact in all the countries of the European Union and shown also a deep crisis in the people’s confidence towards the neo-liberal orientations of European policies. Europe has continued to be crossed by significant conflicts of a social, civil and cultural nature. The Trade Union movement is facing new challenges. The «old» easily understood contradiction between Capital and Labour is swept across by new aspirations and contradictions between genders, generations, cultures, ethnic groups and above all by a new awareness of the tangle in the relationship between humankind and the environment." (p.3)Seconde citation : "The neo-liberal choices outlined by Maastricht have caused an erosion of the material living conditions of broad sectors of the population, leading to a crisis of rejection of European integration.This crisis is due to the unsustainability of an economic, ecological, patriarchal and social model that produces unbearable inequalities, environmental disaster, precariousness in work and life. It is unable to untie the political knots that lay at the bottom of the crisis of social and political cohesion on the Old Continent. The old political powers cannot solve these problems, because they continue to practise the politics of Maastricht. This is creating a political vacuum." (p.2)La troisième citation est issue de deux phrases séparées dans le texte : "The process of European integration is becoming slower and more contradictory." (p.2) et "The legitimacy crisis of politics endangers the process of European integration. Confidence in theEuropean institutions has never been so low." (p.4). On pourrait ajouter celle-ci, qui traduit l'angoisse du PGE quant à l'avenir de l'UE : "Furthermore, any operations aiming to exclude the people from ratifying the treaty will not only be intolerable, but also dangerous for the European Union’s future." (p.5)Et aussi : "The only possible way to contribute to lasting peace, to peaceful co-existence and cooperation of the peoples and states of Europe, to a democratic, political and social perspective of the European continent, is to finish with neo-liberal logic and profoundly reshape the European process." (p.6)L'intégration est clairement recherchée : "The European Left Party therefore is in favour of an integrated strategy for sustainability and solidarity. In our view this strategy should include economic, socio-cultural, ecological and institutional dimensions." (p.8)Et tout le monde doit y être embringué : "Obviously, such a profound policy change will not happen by just counting on the “good will” of the current ruling elites in the EU and its member states. It needs mobilisation from below – from trade unions, social movements and the left."(p.8)Et tenez-vous bien, des services publics européens pourront réaliser des partenariats public-privé : "an active European industrial and research policy predominantly linked to a European public sector able to achieve synergies with the private sector;" (p.9)La lutte contre l'inflation de la BCE doit seulement être complétée par d'autres objectifs : "the role of the European Central Bank should be not only to control inflation but also, in line with the political aim of employment for all, to increase the level of employment and ecological sustainability" (p.9)